Spain's Mission improvement grants +2 Loyalty per turn if built next to the City Center, so that builder can immediately set up a Loyalty boost to far-away cities upon founding.
Spanish cities founded on different continents receive +25% Production toward districts and a free Builder when founded, allowing for Spain to quickly establish a strong foothold on other continents. Spain now receives +3 Gold, +2 Faith, and +1 Production from all Trade Routes, which is tripled if the Trade Route is to a different continent. In the April update, Spain had a bit of a restructure to focus more on wide expansion that can utilize its myriad of bonuses better than before. Spain has always been in a bit of a strange spot as it seemed to have a Faith focus, a commerce focus, and a naval focus, but none meshed well with each other. Khmer is a whole lot more powerful now than it has been, and will be one of the best Civilizations for those looking to build a tall empire rather than a wide one. Khmer's unique infrastructure, the Prasat, now also grants 0.5 Culture per Population in the city, and provides Tourism after Flight is researched: +10 Tourism if city is over 10 population, +20 if city is over 20. To make this even better, and to really synergize with the Aqueduct focus, Khmer's Holy Sites now receive major adjacency bonus from Rivers and grant Food equal to said adjacency bonus, allowing Khmer to build really strong districts with powerful adjacency. Farms also receive +2 Food from adjacent Aqueducts and +1 Faith from Adjacent Holy Sites. After this update, any city of Khmer's that has an Aqueduct gains +1 Faith per Population as well as +1 Amenity. However, with this update, Khmer received arguably the biggest overhaul of all the leaders. However, the combination of these was not well-executed and led to Khmer being a rather lackluster Civilization to play.
Khmer's identity prior to this update was all about Faith and the Aqueduct district. Now, the Trebuchet fills that gap, allowing for hard-hitting wars to start a bit earlier when walls come into play. Previously, the gap between siege units was pretty drastic, as the Catapult (a previously pretty weak unit) upgraded into the Bombard (which has often been the main wall-damaging unit).

The final new unit added to the game is a beloved and highly-requested unit: the Trebuchet.

The Man-At-Arms slots in between the Swordsman and the Musketman, and then the Line Infantry slots in between the Musketman and the Infantry. Two new melee units, the Man-At-Arms and the Line Infantry, help even out those Combat Strength gaps and make upgrading units a bit easier. The Combat Strength gap between Swordsman and Musketman and then Musketman and Infantry was a bit too wide and made catching up against an aggressor a bit hard.
Previously the melee upgrade tree went Warrior to Swordsman to Musketman to Infantry to Mechanized Infantry. One of the more surprising additions that came with the final Civilization 6 update were three new units, all spread out through the tech tree that filled out some gaps between unit upgrades.